Your smart phone can be clever as you with AutoGuard, the best Blackbox application, will give you wonderful experiences.
Key Features
- (Pro) Background recording: Multitasking with other apps (like navigation)
- Upload videos on with captions for location and time information
- Capture photos at important situation automatically
- Show the video and map information on one screen
- Automatically starts video recording when connect with bluetooth devices (It will show notification popup after Android 11 because of Android privacy restrictions.)
- Records driving video, speed, GPS, and nearest address
- Supports high resolutions
- Traces path driven on 3D Google maps
AutoGuard records various lengths of video, acceleration, latitude, longitude, and speed.
The video recorded can be limited to save space on your phone. After the space is filled it will automatically delete the oldest videos, unless marked to be saved.
AutoGuard Pro can be set to automatically start with bluetooth devices and run in the background.
You can adjust video resolution, bitrates, the sensitivity of the accelerator, and GPS update time.
With Pro Version(AutoGrard Pro Unlocker), you are ad free, can sync your videos on & Multitask AutoGuard with other apps such as Navigation or Mp3.
Visit AutoGuard's home and get more valuable information!
Why AutoGuard needs the contact permission?
- List up Gmail accounts for uploading videos to Youtube.
- Referral check.
AutoGuard doesn't need any other information rather than your gmail address.
Anyone who wants to help translating will be welcome.
Thanks. =:)
? Bug fixes: Fixes GPS issues when recording in the background.
1. Now Android 11 devices can start recording when the selected bluetooth device is connected.
2. Fix not updating maps on the player screen.
3. Fix saving emergency phone number issue.
1. Now Android 11 devices can start recording when the selected bluetooth device is connected.
2. Fix not updating maps on the player screen.
3. Fix saving emergency phone number issue.
- Fix not upgrading issue for few devices.
1. Now, Android 11 devices can start recording when the selected bluetooth device is connected
2. Introduced new recordings management.
- Now users can save videos to gallery. (Internal or SD Card)
3. Fix not updating maps on the player screen.
1. Now Android 11 devices can start recording when the selected bluetooth device is connected.
2. Fix not updating maps on the player screen.
3. Fix saving emergency phone number issue.
Apply new AndroidX Settings screen.
Fix minor bugs.
- Upgrade target android version to 29
- Fix Pro IAP issue
Fix recording issue for Motorola devices.
AutoGuard will stop recording in background mode when it detects parking.
Fix minor bugs
Fix minor bugs.
Fix minor bugs.
Fix minor bugs
Fix FAN(Facebook Audience Network)
Fix minor bugs
Fix minor bugs
Fix minor bugs
Fix youtube uploading description bug
Has minor improvements
Fix vibration (and sound) issue when uploading video
Have better auto resolution selection logic
Fix minor bugs
Increase stability
Fix minor bugs
Renew recording screen
Instant recording for auto start (If background recording is enabled)
Start to redesign app! The first step is changing icons
Introduce IAP(In-app purchase) to become a pro user. (I'll continue support AutoGuard Pro.)
Fix recording widget issue after rebooting
Handle quick shut down event
Handle quick shut down event
Still fixing uploading video on Youtube without contacts permission
Resolved Youtube uploading issue
Selecting Google Account issue for Youtube upload resolved
Auto start issue with bluetooth for new Samsung's firmware update resolved
Map preview issue resolved
From this version it is not possible to start and stop with usb connectivity automatically
- Show background recording preview
Import notice (2018.11 ~)
Next release might not support auto start / stop feature for power inputs. This is Android and Google's policy so I'll follow that.
Background widget issue on Android Pie is resolved.
Minor improvements
Add video rotation options (0 / 90 / 180 / 270 / Auto)
Better handling pro activation
Fix minor bugs
Arabic translation
Storage size options (256GB, 512GB)Fix minor bugs
Fix minor bugs
- Fixed background recording restart issue on pre 7.0 devices- Handled recording issue on some 7.0 devices
Improve stabilitiesFix auto stop bug for some devices
Fix minor bugs
Fix bug of focus distanceImprove restart recording performanceFix recording issues
4034Hope to fix restart recording issue4032Hope to fix record starting issue on Samsung devices4031Background recording issue is fixed. (Foreground -> Background)Portrait recording preview issue is fixed.
4033Fix most crash issues4032Hope to fix record starting issue on Samsung devices4031Background recording issue is fixed. (Foreground -> Background)Portrait recording preview issue is fixed.
4032Hope to fix record starting issue on Samsung devices4031Background recording issue is fixed. (Foreground -> Background)Portrait recording preview issue is fixed.
Fix Galaxy Note 8 issue
Fix minor bugs
4.3.3- Support low resolution devices4.3.2- Change the icon- Improve translations- Polished video list and gallery UI4.3.0- Support Turkish translation (Thanks to kekza33)- Only when charging, upload videos to